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Got a Poor Core? 4 Fun Core Workouts for Families

Writer's picture: Jackie MadisonJackie Madison

Every parent wants their child to be happy and healthy, and when you think of health-conscious exercises, you probably think of cardio. As important as cardio exercise is for kids and adults alike, there’s another type of workout that has more of an impact than you might realize: core exercises.

Did you know that if your child has strong core muscles, they’ll be less prone to falls and injuries, have better posture, and have a lower risk for future back pain? The younger your kids start strengthening their core, the better, and here’s the best part: that doesn’t have to involve monotonous crunches. In fact, there are plenty of fun ways to get your kids’ core muscles in gear.

Hula Hooping

Hula hooping is all about the core, and it’s a fun and low-cost family fitness activity. If you already know how to hula hoop, try having an ongoing competition to see who can keep the hoop up the longest.

Don’t know how to hula hoop yet? No problem! Pull up an instructional video or invite someone you know to come over for a lesson so the entire family can learn together.

Races or Obstacle Courses

Kids love a challenge, and obstacle courses or field day-style races are the perfect way to motivate your kids to put their core muscles to work. There are certain types of running or walking you can incorporate to focus on the core. For example, challenge the kids to crabwalk races. You can do the same with grapevines or sideways crossovers as well as walking on all fours.

Balance beams are also fantastic for engaging and strengthening the core muscles. Set up a formation of 2x4 boards in your yard and have your family take turns going through the course while balancing on the boards.


For most kids, swimming is one of their favorite summer activities. That’s great news for health-conscious parents because swimming is an exercise that works the entire body, including your child’s core.

Make your family’s pool session especially active by playing games that involve different swimming styles or core-heavy challenges like doing handstands or somersaults in the water.

Family Yoga

Like swimming, yoga is an activity that can engage and empower your entire body. It’s a fun way for kids to work on their core strength as well as their balance and flexibility. Follow along with a yoga video on YouTube or, when the weather is nice, pull up the family’s yoga mats in the yard or in a local park and get into a flow. Keep in mind that yoga can be very challenging, though, so if you’re following a video, make sure it’s one that is designed for kids.

Building Lifelong Health with a Healthy Core

When it comes to exercise, the key for kids and adults alike is to have variety and balance. Regularly getting your kids involved in core workouts like these as well as cardio workouts, upper body workouts, and more can get them started on a path toward lifelong health. For more family fitness tips, follow us on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter or check out our Mommy and Me fitness program.

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